A long term Forest Practice Application (or FPA) is granted by the Department of Natural Resources for commercial timber harvest on private lands. One of their key criteria is to assess landowner effects on larger community resources. In our application we have to field verify some 20 different stream segments. Above you see Pavel in the Vine Maple channel of one of our Type F (or Fish) streams. Sure enough - there are fish in there.
The DNR typing of segments is done from computer map and model. In the drier regions of Sunitsch Canyon many identified segments turn out to be, well, not some much streams. This day, however. provided an enjoyable prowling through forested wetlands, old stream channels and perennial streams flowing for seveal bends beneath tunnels of forest mat.
Seems the perfect time of year, with the snow just melted and the water table at it's height and before those maples move towards impenetrability.